Wednesday 1 April 2015

Maybank? Seriously?

Hello~ I was actually continuing my post for Taiwan but I was really frustrated by Maybank services that I had to post about it! *Please pardon my rants* Everything in the post is just my experience and my thoughts that I just need a platform to vent on.

I came across Maybank both while shopping one day and they had attractive deals, so I went ahead to sign the cards. I have heard quite a lot of bad reviews about Maybank services before but I thought they had improved over the years as the industry is so competitive. Hence I decided to give them a chance! The staff also told me that they will take around 7 days to process the application and the card should reach me by next week.

So I signed the cards that I feel would be more applicable for me and the person got me to fill up my details (the usual process when applying for credit cards). Everything was settled pretty fast and I went off to continue my shopping.

So 1 week past... No mails, no news from Maybank. 2 weeks past, still nothing.. 3 weeks and continuing to 4 weeks.... My patience was already at the max and I wrote in to Maybank to cancel my application as it was taking wayyyy too long to be processed. (From my past experiences, the application would only take 3-4 days to process and the cards would normally at the max take 1.5 weeks from the day of application to reach my mailbox. Which I think is pretty normal for most people too.)

I was so elated after waiting for so long and finally receiving the mail! But..... to my horror when I open the mail! The card was not the one that I applied for!!! I still clearly confirmed with the staff the cards that I applied for and to my worst nightmare, they actually gave me the card that I DID NOT applied for! WELL DONE MAYBANK! They actually took 4 weeks to process a card that I did not applied for at all! ARGHHH~ Can feel my frustration hitting the sky and I couldn't stop complaining it to my friends over the phone.

Maybank services was seriously the worst that I have came across by far from any banks!! No wonder there were so many bad comments/reviews on their services. I seriously wonder how they survive in this competitive industry where all other banks are constantly improving their products and services. Such service standard is just not acceptable, in my opinion! Definitely would not recommend them to any of my friends at all!!!

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