Sunday 22 March 2015

French Cuisine - Tooth Brasserie

Honestly speaking, I wasn't a fan of french cuisine in the past. But I am now a big lover of it cause of my boyfriend!! We're now always searching for good french cuisine to go for and if you guys have any recommendations, do feel free to share with us so we can go try it out! :D

And as all french restaurant, bread and butter will be served as a starter. Oh and I am soo in love with the bread! It's so soft and has a sweet taste in it. I'm just ADDICTED!! I can just have that for the whole dinner.

The first dish is oven-baked burgundy snails with tomato fondue and garlic butter. The overall taste matches well and the way they handled it is just right. Oh and if you like, you can also match the sauce with the bread. We literally cleaned out the whole plate, no joke!

We then ordered truffle fries as I am a crazy lover of fries! However I feel that the fries are just pretty normal. Not really special nor crispy.

Then to our main course!!
Crispy Duck Leg Confit
 My boyfriend had the duck leg confit which was a recommended dish. The overall taste was nice and the duck leg was soft and savory. Portion was also just nice.
Beef Cheek Bourguignon
 This dish is also another recommended dish. I heard that they only serve a limited number of dish each day. I am totally in love with the dish! The beef is so tender and juicy~ Matching with the mushroom and sauce, it's just perfect! It may look small, but the portion was just nice.

And lastly, to our dessert. We had chocolate lava cake. The chocolate was hot and melted together with the cake when eaten. The best to top with such cake is definitely vanilla ice cream! It was a nice dessert to end off for the dinner. Not to filling and not too sweet.

The overall ambiance of the restaurant is just nice. Quiet and romantic ambiance, perfect for date nights with your partner! Food is nice and pricing is pretty affordable too! Would definitely come back again for more!

Tooth Brasserie
The Sultan Hotel
101 Jalan Sultan #01-01
Singapore 199002

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