Thursday 28 August 2014

Last Day in Tokyo

Can't believe it's my last day in Tokyo already!!! Our flight is in the noon, hence we have the morning for one last of feasting and last minute shopping. So we went back to one of our favorite ramen store at Omoide Yokocho (Memory Lane), Shinjuku. Blogged about this store on my first day in Tokyo, can check it out at

Signature Roast Pork Ramen
 This time round I tried their signature dish, the roast pork ramen! Was so satisfied with their roast pork the other time we were here, so i decided to have a bowl full of their signature roast pork this time round! The whole bowl of goodness only cost 890 Yen and I was super satisfied and full! :D
After which, we then took the train down to Harajuku for last round of shopping, and of course not forgetting my favorite crepe topped with ice cream! Harajuku is filled with stores selling crepes and every store sells great crepes around Tokyo, so you can just pop by any store and get nice desserts anytime of the day. I personally prefer soft crepes and I was so elated when I can just get them easily everywhere around Tokyo! I had almost 1 every day *guilty max*

Did some shopping in daiso and bought some cosmetics before taking the subway back to hotel and packed our stuffs. Ended up having a fully stuffed luggage and also had to hand carry some stuffs back cause we bought too much stuffs!! Took the express train to the airport, got our suica card refunded and went on to check in our luggage. As we got some spare time, we then shopped around the airport and ended up getting more food and souvenirs (packed ramen, royce chocolates, kit kat, biscuits etc) before settling down at their food court for lunch. There's really a lot of shops in the airport and if you had no time or have forgotten to get souvenirs for your friends and family, you can do it at the airport!
Slowly made our way to our gates with such nice view along the way! As I'm blogging now, I'm missing Tokyo soo much!! Can't wait to plan our next trip there again~ Till the next trip, I'll miss you Tokyo!!

If you guys have any recommendations on where to visit next in Japan, do let me know! (:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this. I really like what you've posted here and wish you the best of luck with this blog and thanks for sharing. Ice Cream bronze Bowl
